Thursday 30 October 2014

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Friday 19 September 2014

Cyber Smarts

Cyber smart With Caprice


With Caprice!!

Blog Commenting

This Week I have been commenting on Blogs not only our school but also other manaakalani schools.

Wednesday 17 September 2014

The Wonders of Fishing Practises

The Wonders of Fishing Practises!

Do you want to learn more knowledge about the different types of fishing practises fishermen and locals use to catch kaimoana? Well, you have come to right place.

Dredging! Dredging is steel nets that are dragged across the ocean floor picking up or collecting scallops and oysters. Some fishermen forget that although dredging collects scallops and oysters. It also scrapes the ocean floor, which ruins marine habitats and releases all the silt which makes the water dirty. To stop this from happening, the net could be put on wheels which are still dragged through the water, but are not ruining the ocean floor.
Screen Shot 2014-09-17 at 10.21.46 AM.png

Another fishing practise is Gillnetting. Gillnetting is a net which floats in the water with the help of floats and weights. The net can sink to the sea floor, or can float to the surface. The netting is almost invisible, so the creatures swim right into the trap. Salmon, sardines and cod are the main fish gill netting is supposed to catch. But, other fish like sea turtles and sharks can get tangled in the net and die. To stop this from happening, the net could be more visible so that when the wrong fish swims by, it could swim above, below or around the net! Click the link below for a short video about Gillnetting!

The next fishing practise is Trawling. Trawling is a big net being pulled through the water behind a boat or two. The net that is used for trawling is called “trawl.” Precious sea creatures like shrimp, shellfish, cod and many other sea creatures are caught by a trawl. A trawl has an open end and a closed end. The open end is the mouth and the closed end is the tail.
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Long Lining! Long lining is a long line stretched through the water. On the longline is a net pattern which traps fish and other things. Longlining effects the sea process by accidentally catching things it wasn’t meant to catch. To stop this from happening, the person or people longlining could fish where there is more of what they are fishing for and less of what they aren’t fishing for.
Screen Shot 2014-09-17 at 10.23.27 AM.png

The four fishing practises we chose to write about are common techniques, which were used long ago and today. Did you know that 82% of our planet love fishing, not just for the yummy food the catch, but for the fun that is made out of it!


SSpelling With Caprice

Arts And Crafts!

My Quilling
Yesterday At arts and crafts we had to finish our art piece,my art piece was quilling.On my quilling was a caterpillar , in the middle is my flower and on the other side is just circles for decorations. At top as you can see is a spring for decorations too.

General Knowledge

Follow up Task With Caprice.

Follow Up task

WALT solve unknown words and gain meaning!!

Wednesday 10 September 2014


Today was TukanaTeina Day which means a junior class would come and we would help them with work.
My Buddy was Matthias.This morning  we had to  draw a sea creature of our own and we had to write a little description.
The title of our Drawing was the colorful fish

Monday 1 September 2014

Student Lead Study

Last Week I played Maths Games and Follow up task and had to put it Up on a presentation.

Wednesday 30 July 2014

The legend of Paikea

By Mary &Maopa

100 questions

12 + 10 = 22
12 + 10 = 22
3 + 12 = 15
28 ÷ 4 = 7
24 ÷ 6 = 4
40 ÷ 8 = 5
6 x 1 = 6
72 ÷ 8 = 9
1 + 6 = 7
20 ÷ 5 = 4
15 - 8 = 7
5 + 5 = 10
8 x 7 = 56
16 - 10 = 6
13 - 6 = 7
2 - 2 = 0
2 + 3 = 5
72 ÷ 9 = 8
8 x 7 = 56
2 + 2 = 4
7 + 10 = 17
3 x 0 = 0
6 + 0 = 6
5 + 7 = 12
3 ÷ 1 = 3
2 x 6 = 12
2 x 8 = 16
11 + 12 = 23
2 - 2 = 0
5 + 5 = 10
21 ÷ 7 = 3
5 x 7 = 35
4 + 9 = 13
6 x 8 = 48
16 ÷ 4 = 4
5 + 6 = 11
4 x 0 = 0
3 + 2 = 5
17 - 9 = 8
7 + 11 = 18
6 ÷ 3 = 2
7 - 6 = 1
35 ÷ 5 = 7
1 + 6 = 7
2 + 5 = 7
3 - 3 = 0
24 ÷ 3 = 8
9 - 2 = 7
2 x 7 = 14
7 + 0 = 7
6 - 5 = 1
8 + 3 = 11
6 x 5 = 30
4 ÷ 4 = 1
5 x 7 = 35
1 + 8 = 9
3 x 4 = 12
63 ÷ 7 = 9
6 - 3 = 3
3 - 0 = 3
4 + 8 = 12
2 + 6 = 8
4 - 1 = 3
2 x 8 = 16
8 ÷ 2 =16
4 x 2 = 8
10 - 3 = 7
2 - 1 = 1
7 x 0 = 0
9 x 5 = 45
4 + 7 = 11
5 - 2 = 3
4 x 9 = 36
8 x 9 = 72
4 ÷ 4 = 1
18 - 9 = 9
6 + 1 = 7
0 x 6 = 0
6 ÷ 3 = 2
9 + 7 = 16
5 x 6 = 30
6 - 4 = 2
10 ÷ 2 = 5
5 x 6 = 30
15 - 5 = 10
10 + 9 = 19
9 x 7 = 63
8 x 0 = 0
6 x 4 = 24
8 + 1 = 9
9 - 3 = 6
3 x 4 = 12
42 ÷ 6 = 7
8 x 8 = 64
8 - 1 = 7
6 - 4 = 2
9 - 1 = 8
4 + 7 = 11
3 - 3 = 0

0 x 4 = 0
This is a blog post of 100 types of math questions I FINISHED in class.

Friday 25 July 2014

Coral Reefs

Today I completed this Drawing About How to save Coral Reefs.

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Science Fair @ TPS

Xtra Maths

This is a screenshot of my login in Xtra-Math.
This screenshot shows that I need to practice these problems regularly.

If you want to have an account on Xtra Maths Type in the search button XTRAMATHS

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Today I made a comment on Malia Blog Check It out!

Friday 13 June 2014

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Samaon Language Week.

Guess What today is samoan language week so we decided to do activities.

Tuesday 27 May 2014


Spelling This week
This is my spelling syllabification Task.

100 Questions

Aso Lua Me 27 o May
(English translation) Tuesday 27th of May (Samoan language Week:)
This is a snapshot of my 100 questions I completed on My book this week.

Monday 26 May 2014

Wednesday 21 May 2014


Today I completed this spelling task called Syllabification.


Today I had to completed this task related to a movie that related to our topic.

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Spelling Syllabification

sci-nce sci-en-tist fi-eld bi-o-lo-gy che-mi-stry phy-sics sig-ni-fi-cant ex-pe-ri-ment dis-co-ver
Today I had to Split the words out In syllabification.

Thinkers Key


My Badge

This is My Badge I completed Today
On My Bage you can See patterns because its Cultural.You can also see  laptop for like friend connections online also 2 people which represents connections Like friends.

Clock Faces

Today I completed a Clock Face Sheet.

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Scientist Vs Inventors

Today in class we Had to complete a task giving to us from our teacher.
This is a Drawing I completed.We had to find the definition Of the Inventor
and A scientist.

Acquaintance vs Friend

Tuesday 1 April 2014


Can you guess what this word is write in the comment below!It a country that is really hot and it starts with a R!Good Luck

Multiplication Wheel

Friday 21 March 2014


Spelling TASK

Spelling Words :



Today I was playing a Math game called Wangdoodles.This helps me to weigh and get the correct answer.

Multiplication Wheel

Today I completed a Math task with a set of Time table to complete.:)

Algebra Rule(Do you know the Answer?)

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Monday 17 March 2014

Word cloud for cyber-smart

This is a world cloud of world that relate to being aware when you're on the Internet.
If you want to make a word cloud like this here it the link you need to go to:Click on me

Friday 14 March 2014

Rule Machine:)

Today I Completed a maths game called rule machine.This game is really fun so try it this is a link to this fun game.Rule Machine

Mutliplication wheel

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Friday 7 March 2014

6 Thinking Hats

This is a presentation that I have done about an article.